Saturday, March 10, 2012


“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!” Even in middle school, Henry David Thoreau’s words in Walden resonated with me. Over the years, simplifying has become something of a hobby. I am constantly on the look-out for ways to de-clutter, organize and simplify.

Have you ever taken the time to notice how it feels to be in a cluttered space and the impact it has on your mood and the way you think? In college, I always cleaned my room before studying for a big exam or writing a paper. Yes, you could say I was procrastinating, but I think I subconsciously knew that physical clutter = mental clutter. In the end, I was so much more productive once my space was organized.

I am a part-time yoga instructor, wife and mom with an 8-year old son and an 11-year old daughter. Staying on top of parenting, laundry (Ah, the bane of my existence!), toys, homework, junk mail, bills, cooking, food shopping, cleaning, family drama etc. is a challenge for the most organized among us. I certainly don’t claim to be perfect and readily admit conquering the clutter is an ongoing battle.

Simplicity is not easy, but there are ideas, products and techniques that I’ve come to rely on which have made my quest easier. I’ll share with you what I’ve learned in my Search for Simple. I’d love to get your feedback and hear about what works for you.

The search is on!

Simply yours,


“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail.”
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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